Workforce Development

Our education specialists have a strong and successful track record of delivering both high quality training and support to local authorities, schools, social care and the healthcare sector.

Our programme development is driven by the recognition that well trained and supported staff are key to the successful delivery of quality outcomes for adults. Our packages are designed to be time effective and of high impact.

Our programme of training courses is designed to support best practice in the context of the challenging agendas facing the adult social care sector:

The Care Certificate

The Care Certificate is intended as an entry-level qualification and should be viewed as essential to any newly recruited staff. Comprising 15 modules, it is also a very useful tool to ensure more experienced staff have a comprehensive knowledge of their role and their duties of care. Our system of presentation requires just three intensive days to ensure staff understand the requirements of their job. Duration: 3 days
Dementia Awareness

An introduction to dementia and the signs and symptoms a caregiver might expect to encounter. Explores what we currently understand about dementia and its progression. Discusses strategies that can be used to keep people with dementia safe.For: All staff Duration: 3hrs
Dementia Care (advanced practice)

Description: This course builds on the Dementia Awareness course and considers the client, their family and their friends in terms of needs and suppport. Managing changing behaviour is also discussed. For: Caregivers must have attended the Dementia Awareness course prior to booking on this course. Duration: 3hrs
Moving & Handling

Level 2 course that satisfies the theory requirements of the QCF standards for moving and handling clients. Considers safety, loads, good practice and the caregiver role. Note: Moving & Handling L2 is a CQC requirement and needs to be updated every 2 years. Caregivers need to ensure their qualification is current in order to work with clients that need assitance to move.For: All caregivers Duration: 6hrs
Adult Safeguarding

Level 2 course that considers the caregiver’s role and statutory duties of care in safeguarding clients. Explores types and indicators of abuse, how to recognise, respond and report when abuse is suspected. Note: Safeguarding Adults L2 is a CQC requirement and needs to be updated every 2 years. Caregivers need to ensure their qualification is current in order to work with vulnerable clients. For: All caregivers Duration: 3hrs
Medication Administration

Full Level 2 Meds Admin course. Covering MAR charts, updates to legislation (and therefore our paperwork) and our boundaries and restrictions when required to prompt or administer medication to clients.Note: Medication Administration L2 is a CQC requirement and needs to be updated every 2 years. Caregivers need to ensure their qualification is current in order to work with clients that need medication administering. For: All caregivers Duration: 3hrs

Personal & Pressure Care

This training session has been prepared to ensure that all care staff are fully up-to-date with regard to their personal and pressure care responsibilities. At the end of this session participants will be able to: Understand the role of the carer when providing personal care; Understand incontinence and its control; Describe the importance of personal hygiene procedures; Understand pressure sores and how they can be avoided. For: All caregivers Duration: 3hrs
Food Hygiene

This course will enable participants to prepare food safely and maintain correct
food hygiene practices at home and at work. At the end of the session participants will be able to: Describe the legal requirement with regard to food hygiene and safety; Explain the results of poor food hygiene practices at work and at home; Recognise the causes of food poisoning; Recognise food poisoning symptoms; Understand the importance of good personal hygiene; Understand the importance of correct food handling and preparation at work. For: All caregivers Duration: 4hrs
End of Life Care

Description: Explores issues that surround caring for a person in their last weeks and days. Discusses emotional, spiritual and practical needs for both client and caregiver. Outlines what to do at the end of your client’s life and how to respond. Note: This course considers care that, whilst very rewarding, can impact on the caregiver emotionally. You need to determine for yourself if you are able to undertake this course. For: All caregivers Duration: 3hrs
Parkinson’s Disease Care

Looks at the issues involved in providing care for a client living with Parkinson’s. Considers the role of the caregiver in responding to change and discusses appropriate reponses.For: All caregivers Duration: 3hrs
MND Care

MND is a life-limiting disease that can progress quickly.This course gives the context of MND in the homecare setting and explains our role as caregivers.It considers the ways in which we can support the client and their family, and reviews some of the expected symptoms. For: All staff Duration: 3hrs
Stroke Care

This course considers ways in which caregivers can provide good care for a client post-stroke. It discusses the additional needs the client may have and the role the caregiver may have in rehabilitation.For: All caregivers Duration: 3hrs